Closeoutmeeting S2006

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S2006 Close-out meeting - July 7th, 2022 ISAC II counting room

Present: Spencer Kiy, Alessia di Pietro, Marisa Gulino, Annika Lennarz

  • Communication excellent! Experimenters were very happy with support from TRIUMF
  • Marisa estimated number of beam hours of what we got from epics read out: 44 hrs in total at average ~10epA
  • Sometimes 500epA. Maybe signs of discharge at cup? Can't be real
  • ~3e6 pps of 26Al, assuming the same ratio of 26Mg and 26Al was the same as at the beginning
  • 30% 26Al and 70% 26Mg
  • in future singly charged 45kV, 1+ and then boost with RF cavity + 8kV
  • What's the number for the online experiment
  • next opportunity: May 2023, 23Na stable beam at DRAGON
  • Discussion on EEC priorities
  • Q-value separation in event reconstruction, second channel may not be able to be cleaned up.
  • post stripper needed for 12C reduction
  • Send survey!
  • Target ladder to be stored
  • Boxes left here, labeled with detectors, one wheel is broken, 2 boxes are empty
  • One box has cables
  • All expensive stuff is in one box
  • Just prea-mplifiers for Neven need to be send back